Nicky goes to No. 10


We are incredibly proud that Founder and CEO, Nicky Forsythe, was invited to Downing Street on Wednesday, 11th July to discuss our involvement in Nesta's Inclusive Economy Partnership supported by [...]

Nicky goes to No. 102018-07-13T12:07:50+00:00

A Diabetic Diagnosis


It's Men's Health Week and Diabetes Awareness Week so let's hear from our Director, Roy Langmaid, on how diabetes affected him not only physically, but emotionally... In Men's Health week, [...]

A Diabetic Diagnosis2018-06-14T15:30:35+00:00

Labels: blessing or curse?


Have you received, or know someone who has received, a mental health diagnosis? How did you, or they, react? Was there a positive impact or a negative impact? A Lancet [...]

Labels: blessing or curse?2018-04-25T15:44:09+00:00


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