What’s the idea?
It’s important to take care of our emotional wellbeing, just as it is to take care of our bodies. The most effective way to do this is connecting in a truthful and empathic way with others. We call that therapeutic talking.
Talk for Health is a Psychotherapist-designed method for effective therapeutic talking groups.

What is it?
The heart of our activity is the Talk for Health (T4H) Core Programme. In groups, you learn and practice:
- Honest talking – being the real you
- Empathic listening
- Understanding your own and others’ feelings
- Basic counselling skills
- How to set up and/or be part of an ongoing group

After this..
You can set up and/or attend ongoing T4H therapeutic talking groups, and we offer help. The ongoing Talk for Health groups build your wellbeing and help you understand yourself, get support, and achieve your life goals.
We also offer a Leadership Development programme where people can train to lead an ongoing group, or to become a Talk for Health Trainer.