Talk for Health graduates have identified an important gap in how our courses can reach more people.
Responding to our survey this week, graduates (perhaps including you – thank you!) reported that our leaflets are working really well, and word-of-mouth recommendations…
…but also indicated that very few referrals to Talk for Health come directly from GPs.

That odd, considering that about half of all visits to GPs are related to mental health, and considering that Talk for Health is generously funded by GPs across Islington.
We think we can do better, and make that valuable NHS funding go even further.
A Talk for Health graduate has created a hand-drawn poster to put up in GP surgeries. It describes (from the point of view of his wife) how he ended up with us, and what his experience has been.

Now, we could just post a copy of the poster to every surgery in Islington…
But it might be more effective if Talk for Health graduates dropped them round in person to their own GP surgery, and even spoke briefly to the practice manager about it.
Might you be willing, in principle, to do that?
If so – or if you have a better idea – please leave a comment below.
What about in libraries as well.
Thank you – that’s an excellent idea!
Yes I’d be happy to do that. It’s more likely to not end up in the bin if someone personally goes to speak to the practice manager.
As most GP surgeries also have websites, is there anyway you could get a mention on the websites too with a link to sign up for the workshops and courses?
That’s very true / and an excellent suggestion, definitely worth pursuing…

I’ve just done a search of a few Islington GPs, and typically Talk for Health is not listed in the mental health recommendations on their website, eg:
Thank you so much.
A good idea: Ameena, Andrew & I helped distribute the orange & pink posters and leaflets earlier this year: Ameena & I offered to Update & develop the distribution info spreadsheet but didn’t hear back. I delivered to a bunch of GP surgeries/Health Centres: some of the reception staff and managers knew of T4H and were very enthusiastic. I would be happy to help: good exercise too. I would be happy to be involved in distribution and updating the spreadsheet Helen had (bits of it were out of date and duplication). There must be other T4H graduates like me who would be happy to offer some time. I’m not up to date on developments in the “social prescribing” situation in Islington: some areas employ staff specifically to collate and maintain info on suitable local projects/services, etc for GP’s to “prescribe” their patients to attend/get involved in, etc. Is this a network T4H is already plugged into? Could the Poster be provided to GP’s and other orgs in a form that they could include on websites, etc?
Wow, this is very helpful, thank you Paul.
As you may know, we have a new ops team – it may be worth reviving the conversation about the spreadsheet…
How about if we start telling our GPs about it. Word of mouth is always better than just a poster/leaflet. Admittedly GP appointments do not allow much time for this kind of conversation. Perhaps we could leave a poster/leaflet with our GPs, with a brief mention of how we have benefitted – to keep the conversation short.
That would certainly be the best approach, thank you Mamta.
I guess we could also write a short note to the GP, saying how we benefited and enclosing a leaflet/poster?
Just a thought…
I could post it on the Nextdoor site in Islington
That sounds like an excellent idea – thank you.
Social prescribing advisors are being appointed in all primary care networks- they will be the key links to primary care. The local CCG will know which PCNs have been approved. I would also reach out to practice nurses,who will be seeing the people with long term conditions-and having longer time with them. The local community trust which employs District nurses would be worth contacting. Finally offering the practice managers group access to the course may help this pivotal group to embed awareness at practice level.