How do you cope with Stress at Work?
Nicky2018-06-01T11:33:38+00:00You may or may not be surprised to hear the Mental Health Foundation discovered that 'over the past year, almost three quarters (74%) of people have at some point felt so [...]
You may or may not be surprised to hear the Mental Health Foundation discovered that 'over the past year, almost three quarters (74%) of people have at some point felt so [...]
Next month marks Talk for Health's official 10th Birthday with the first day of the first ever programme taking place on 12th June 2008. To kick off celebrations, we wanted to share [...]
Have you received, or know someone who has received, a mental health diagnosis? How did you, or they, react? Was there a positive impact or a negative impact? A Lancet [...]
MHAW is coming up from the 14th to the 20th May 2018 and the theme is... stress! Stress has many causes, manifests in many ways, and everyone has their own [...]
It's been a busy start to 2018 and we can't quite believe it's April! We've had our New Year Special on managing internal stress - we hope it added a [...]
Following on from a successful All-Man Programme at the end of 2017, an ongoing group of male-only graduates has been set up. Started Friday the 9th of March, the group [...]
This year for the first time we are running two programmes that are open to everyone, regardless of where they live. This gives many more the opportunity to join the [...]
We are very proud to pass on this insightful article by our Advisory Board Member: Philippa Perry. Philippa discusses the experience of depression and the ability to accept ourselves as [...]