We know that many of you are interested in the field of mental health and we try to share interesting research and articles when we come across them. We recently read this great report, The empirical evidence about mental health and recovery: how likely, how long, what helps?
The report reviews current scientific evidence into the permanency of mental health problems. Based on their research the authors formed seven messages, which challenge many of the mainstream opinions about mental health. Here they are:
- Recovery is best judged by the person living with the experience
- Many people with mental health problems recover
- If a person no longer meets the criteria for a mental health illness, they are not ill
- Diagnosis is not a robust foundation
- Treatment is one route amongst many to recovery
- Some people choose not to use mental health services
- The impact of mental health problems is mixed
The one that particularly resonates for us is ‘treatment is one route amongst many to recovery’. Furthermore, the authors suggest that more money should be spent on providing wider alternatives for support and recovery and include the use of peer support initiatives in their list.
I am sure we would all heartily agree! You can read the full report by following the link at the top.
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